Thursday, June 10, 2010

first day as a beekeeper

After a long spring of waiting, reading books and having bees on the brain they are finally here. I woke up this morning like a kid at Christmas laying in bed at 6:00 trying to force a few more hours of sleep in, I just couldn't do it I was so anxious to go, I had a 2 hour car ride to Albion ME ahead of me and I was ready before i even brushed my teeth. 11:00 couldn't have taken any longer, I had my i pod, coffee in hand and exactly enough money to purchase my two nuc's. I'm ready. Right?
Choosing the appropriate music for a day like today was tough, but I started out with some Booka shade to get me in a good positive groove, then some Itals and a little Joni Mitchell to mellow it out. I was a little bit nervous and a lot a bit excited. The nervousness was due to the fact that I slacked and didn't order my veil, smoker and hive tool in time, so i would have to do without and hope I don't get stung too many times! It is rainy today, just my luck having no smoker the bees are going to be pissed off and sting the hell out of me, but I'm trying to stay positive.

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