Thursday, December 30, 2010

merry everything!

I wish I could go on and on about how special the holidays are but in reality it stresses me out to the max! I usually make all my gifts, and I am a natural born procrastinator and I like to take on many overambitious projects just to make life interesting! this is why it has been a little while since my last post. My family and I went to Boston for Christmas eve and saw the Nutcracker, it was the most spectacular show I have ever seen. Ballerinas dressed up in elaborate costumes with glimmering tutus and fancy updo's and shoes laced tightly, I was in awe. After we saw the show, we decided to do a little window shopping in china town ( my favorite place to shop in Boston) My brother and I discovered this great Chinese herb shop, where I found this great tincture it is ginseng and royal jelly ( a super protein secreted by female bees and fed to larve during the first stages of development, however the queen is fed exclusively royal jelly which helps her fully sexually mature and grow bigger than her worker bees) I couldn't believe it only cost four dollars!!!

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